
Sprout Issue 13 – Browse

Issue 13 – Browsing

Published by Subbacultcha
In collaboration with San Serriffe
Financed by our loyal members, partners and friends – many thanks to you

Approximate reading time: 46 minutes and 35 seconds.

This issue of Sprout explores Browsing.

“And all we wanna do, is chew and chew and chew”
– Joanna Newsom

For issue 13 of Sprout we asked people how “browsing” rings to them. We thank them for sharing their thoughts.

in this issue of Sprout you will find

1. Cover Illustration by Alexandra Martens Serrano
2. From windows shoppers to window browsers – a modern consumer manifesto – by Léa Shamaa
3. smash erase by Ellie Mcguinness
4. An Interview with Bianca Scout by Thierno Deme
5. Comic – I’m Running, I’m late by Zoe Polycarpou
6. your nimble hands snipped the sutures open and tweezed them out of me to reveal a shiny patch, taut and pink, something between flesh and skin by isabel wang pontoppidan

Printed at Terry Bleu

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