Kate NV
MagazineConstantly seeking out new ways to blend sounds and sate her restlessness
You might’ve picked up on our fascination with Kate NV by now – we had the pleasure to talk to her in our Issue 12 and got lost in the tranquility of her ’дуб OAK’ video made by documentary & film maker Sasha Kulak upon it entering our consciousness a few months back. We come with more good news: the ongoing collaboration between Kulak and NV has brought us new audio visual beauty to gawk at.
Following the fleeting sounds from her immediate surroundings cultivated into the beautiful, hypnagogic ambiance that is Kate NV’s second solo album, для FOR, Sasha Kulak breathes new life into Kate NV’s visceral world by visualizing the album in “для FOR (The Film)”; The most banal of things mix with mind-bending patterns, throwing every day routine off balance. It’s as perplexing as it is beautiful. NV and Kulak probe the same concept on Kate NV’s website by having arranged the button on the site to randomly generate a different video clip from Kulak’s film each time it is pressed.
Without further ado, please delve into the enigmatic video below.
Kate NV’s для FOR is now available from RVNG Intl. in vinyl and digital forms.