Bandname: Nancy Acid
Names of the people answering these questions: Ef & Kev
Ages: both 24
Zodiac signs: Gemini and Taurus
Spotted: Performing at the End of the Year Party, De Nieuwe Anita
Home: Aruba & Amsterdam
To like or to be liked?
Kev: To be licked.
Ef: Okay.
What’s your favourite social medium?
K: The mouth.
E: PostNL. Sometimes TNT Post.
What kind of music are you listening to at the moment?
K: Ravi Shankar.
E: Los Panchos – y sus voces.
What’s your favourite pastime?
K: Skateboarding.
E: Reading, skateboarding, drugs. Not in that order.
What makes you dance?
K: A bunch of pills.
E: Your mother.
What does an ideal lazy Sunday look like for you?
E: K-hole on my carpet with music and cheiba smokes.
Any guilty pleasures?
K: Crying to Celine Dion.
E: Carnivorous habits.
What kind of music comforts you?
K: Hardcore punk.
E: White noise.
Favourite band food?
K: Tacos.
E: Tacos and Surinamese.
What would the meaning of ‘Nancy Acid’ be in the Urban Dictionary?
K: Shitty and nice at the same time.
E: Acid-faced bitch; an arrogant, liberal female whore who has had multiple plastic surgeries and is very rude and REALLY ugly but thinks she’s good looking. “I hate Nancy Acid, that acid-faced bitch.” Sounds about right.
Nancy Acid play on 30 January at De Nieuwe Anita, Amsterdam with Naomi Punk. The show is free for Subbacultcha members.