Hardcore and pop punk in the shape of an angry Tweet, or… and ‘X’? Hang Youth is an Amsterdam quartet, fronted by Abel van Gijlswijk, who’s on a mission to ‘rebrand anarchism’. Short burst of angry, unmistakable statements and all communication in all caps.
Catch the band live at P60, Amstelveen and get in the mood with tracks as JE HAAT GEEN MAANDAG, JE HAAT KAPITALISME, MET JE AKO-IDEOLOGIE & BELASTINGDIENST.
Regular tickets can be purchased here.
There are a limited amount of free tickets for Subbacultcha members. Please make a reservation by sending an email to mailinglist@subbacultcha.nl with ‘Hang Youth’ in the subject line + your name in the email.
Not a member yet? This Fall, we’re offering the first month of membership for free. Sign up here.