Yuko Yuko
Features // InterviewClean harmonies, vintage warmth and neater arrangements define the new Yuko Yuko
Name: Lin Ven
Age: 24
Subbacultcha Member since: July 2017
Show: Smerz at De School
Day job: Studying at an art academy, interning at Subbacultcha
Dream job: Studying at an art academy
How was the show last night?
I enjoyed it a lot! I was familiar with the music of Smerz but they really got their music to a next level with the live performance.
What went down? Give us your best new story.
I’m not sure how it happened, but after the concert we ended up dancing to Britney Spears at our office for at least another hour. It felt a bit like a crime to lose it on guilty pleasures after such a nice concert by Smerz but yeah, what to do about it.
Get lucky?
I got Britney and Smerz on the same night, damn lucky!
How’s your head?
Surprisingly fresh.
What time did you get home?
Relatively early.
I got Britney and Smerz on the same night, damn lucky!
What’s the best music to wake up to?
‘Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby’ – Cigarettes After Sex.
What does today look like?
Pretty chill. I’m busy packing all my stuff since I’ve temporarily lived in Amsterdam for my graphic internship at Subbacultcha. I’m moving back to The Hague where I’ll graduate in graphic design coming June.
Today’s soundtrack?
ABRA – ‘Fruit’
What Subbacultcha show are you looking forward to next?
IAMDDB in Melkweg on 3 December <3
Got any advice for the people?
Together with my friends I’m working my ass off making the web series ANNE+.Why it’s worth watching? It’s a series about the love life of a girl in Amsterdam. You follow her through different relationships as we all know them: everything from one night stands till the possibility of love. She also happens to be gay. We try to break through the narrative by not only talking about the struggles of coming out, rather just following a persons life. Go watch it! Find it on Facebook as anneplus.webserie.
Want to let us in on your ‘woke up like this’ situation after a Subbacultcha show? Email roxy@subbacultcha.nl to talk about last night.