L.A.N. Party: full line up and timetable confirmed!
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Music — this thing that is as much part of our life as it shapes it. Whether we’re going through the perks of early mornings or in search of the perfect catalyst to get a party started: we all have a mental playlist for specific memories and moments. Since here at Subbacultcha music is essential to our existence, we decided that from now on, every month, we’ll ask an artist to take some time to reflect on moments in life and the music that completed them. This time around we’re asking Orpheu the Wizard. Make sure you don’t miss him at L.A.N. Party on 15 December at De School, Amsterdam.
Full name: Orpheu de Jong
What do you do: I am co-founder of Red Light Radio and I DJ as Orpheu The Wizard
Website: www.redlightradio.net & soundcloud.com/orpheuthewizard
A song for working out: The Wibbley Brothers – ‘Der Wawazawa’
Superman dance, he dance the Wawazawa
Oh Superman dance, he dance the Wawazawa
A song for nostalgic moments: Ramuntcho Matta – ‘All Those Years’
I’ve put this beautiful song in a mix about 4 years ago and recently got reminded of it by someone who asked me for the title.
Very nostalgic and beautiful still after all those years!
A song for going out: Romie Singh – ‘Dancing To Forget’
The perfect on your way to the party / early hours of the party song. Unclassifiable, seductive and with a dangerous edge.
A song for courage: Mode IQ – ‘Competition’
If this song doesn’t give you courage I don’t know what will!
A song for on the road: Teknika – ‘Rain Days’
It’s a great jam, but also has a bit of guilty pleasure quality to it. Would definitely blast this on the highway and step on it.
Orpheu the Wizard plays in De School’s Club night at L.A.N. Party on 15 December.