
Premiere: The Cradle – Why’s The Light Off?

Bedroom recorder Paco Carthcart is ready to release his 20th effort as The Cradle. The Layers of Honey, a nine song cassette, was only recently recorded over the last Spring/Summer in his home in Crown Heights. As with the tape’s art, the video for Why’s The Light Off? finds us staring into the sun, blinding, while the 24 year old softly sings his way into our hearts. The collection of songs on this cassette mostly feels like slowly falling in love in the hazy late Summer days. A stream of consciousness of slow suffering ballads and uncontained electronic excitement. Wasting time with nostalgia and sticky analogues – it’s a tedious but transcending job, to put back the layers of honey.

The Layers of Honey cassette is accompanied by a bonus companion album, The Body Found Dub – only available on cassette or downloadable with the pre order. Out on Ramp Local! on September 23.

the cradle