
DUDS + Sweat Tongue

23 March - De Nieuwe Anita, Amsterdam
20.00 - €8 - Free for members

When asked to describe their own sound, Manchester’s six-piece DUDS replied, ‘a slinky rolling down the stairs’. They are of course kidding, but there’s some truth to every joke. Their sound tempers with sudden stops and outpourings of noise with a healthy dose of clank on the side. Their Of A Nature or Degree, came out last September via Castle Face – looking forward to that slinky rolling live right in front of us. Rotterdam’s Sweat Tongue made an experimental appearance in the Garderobe (wardrobe) stage at our LAN Party and it was a pleasure to witness. For those of you who missed it, don’t make the same mistake twice. MarathonMan will be on decks before, after and in between shows.


 Sweat Tongue

Marathon Man