
Soundtracks for the…

24 September - Eye Film Museum
19:00 - €11 for non members - Free for members

Films are stories with dialogues that happen between sound and image. It’s the director’s choice of imagery and the music composer’s complementation of sound that immerse you in a film. That dialogue can change when artists of different disciplines collaborate on pieces from mediums unlike their own. We wonder, what happens when a DJ from the Amsterdam club-scene makes the soundtrack of a film?

This brought us to Soundtracks for the…, a cinematic experience where the score of three short films from the Eye Film Museum collection were re-purposed and re-written by contemporary musicians. Watch films with new ears as Gijsje, Lyckle & Kim use their naturalistic sound take on Un chien Andalou, as Lazergazer uses contagious bass-driven razor-sharp kicks to tell the tale of finance and hygiene in Cloacinae, and as Go Me uses his DJ perspective and shuttering beats to recount new york zéro zéro. It’s this kind of artistic ingenuity that allows us to experience the same film twice— and differently.

Free access for Subbacultcha members. Subbacultcha Members can reserve a free spot by writing an email to with “Soundtracks for the…” in the subject line and their full name in the email. Please don’t forget to bring your membership pass. 


Gijsje, Lyckle & Kim x Un chien Andalou (1929)


Lazergazer x new york zéro zéro (2006)


Go Me x Cloacinae (2017)

If you have any questions or remarks, please write us at!