
Colleen Green

3 August - Sugar Factory, Amsterdam
20.15 - €9 - Free for members

Colleen Green is a Los Angeles based featherweight indiepop artist, exploring the emotional anxieties and turmoil faced with the fact of aging in her latest album. Singing about growing up, getting old and the unpredictability of life, she calls into question matters of love and maturity. Her second album I Want to Grow Up was released this year’s February on Hardly Art,slightly hinting at her heroes of The DescendentsYou can get through pretty much anything in life with a little help from your friends, and such is the case with Colleen Green’s slight crisis as well; the ensemble heard on the album includes JEFF the Brotherhood’s Jake Orrall and Diarrhea Planet’s Casey Weissbuch, collaborating with Green in Nashville, Tennessee over ten days at Sputnik Sound.