

Those familiar with the art of comic strips might’ve guessed where Bram Devens got the moniker Ignatz from. For those of you less familiar with that world, Ignatz is the short-fused mouse in George Herriman’s Krazy Kat comics. His soft spot for comics reaches wider than the alias under which his wistful folk laden songs released under last June; Ignatz is a cartoonist in his own right, too. Don’t miss Ignatz at L.A.N.: The Belgium Edition at Melkweg on Saturday, 15 April. Ignatz’s latest (and 6th full length) release, The Drain, is out on Kraak.net. More of his comics can be read in his label’s publication, The Avant Guardian.

Ignatz plays at L.A.N.: The Belgium Edition at Melkweg on Saturday, 15 April.